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It’s Women of the World day today so I’d like to mark the occasion with some mantras and advice given by some of the most incredible women of today. Take some time out today to think about what achievements and boxes you’d like to get ticked by the end of this year. There are talks, events and workshops happening all over the capital and the one message that grabbed my attention is the #MakeItHappen hashtag. You are responsible of yourself and with hard work and determination nothing is impossible.


“Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises, don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned about doing good work. Protect your work and if you build a good name, eventually that name will be its own currency. Life is like a roller coaster ride, it is never going to be perfect. It is going to be perfect moments and rough spots, but its all work it”



“The truth is, it’s a lot of sacrifice. Its more about your mental strength then physical strength. You have to push yourself. It doesn’t matter what trainer you have. And it doesn’t matter what program you’re on. You have to be healthy and make the right choices.”




“I was coming through a dark period, desperately trying to find some joy but not finding it, and trying to remind myself what happiness means. I was grasping at straws trying to find a reason to be cheerful, and then that song arrived. There was some beauty after all. It was like a little mantra, to remind myself to live, breath, sleep, to try to make your like complete. Beauty is everywhere… in a sunrise, a drop of dew, the warm breath of a child, or a flower opening. That is the sacred gift of life, even if we don’t always acknowledge it”

This was written about a song Lennox wrote ‘A Thousand Beautiful Things




“More is more and less is a bore”





You have to listen to your body, both mentally and physically. Know how to read the signs and trust your instinct. Everyone should talk to the stars, it grounds you. Never stop learning or wanting. Some of your greatest achievements could be the smallest of gestures. Happiness is an equal emotion to sadness, neither are greater nor worse than the other. You need to feel both from time to time and when you do learn from each.
